Killabakh Produce Stall - Postponed
The Killabakh Community Produce Stall (KCPS) is an important social hub and is enjoyed by all who attend. Have a chat and a cuppa, courtesy of Landcare, for a gold coin donation to the Tubby.
There are 2 types of events:
1. A weekly get together each Thursday at 9.45am
2. A Seasonal Super Sale held usually at the beginning of Summer, Autumn and Winter. Our Spring sale coincides with our annual Day in the Country event held on the first Saturday in September.
See our Events Calendar for dates.
Come along, check out whats offered and purchase the wares, products
and produce from our regular sellers. There's always the opportunity to bring along your excess produce and become a 'surprise' seller on the day. You'll be set up as a seller for a one off fee of $2 which covers all your insurance needs.
Just some of the produce that we see on a regular basis